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The portal for UK Antique Dealers and related sites featuring antiques dealers and antique fair listings
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This form will allow you to include a basic antique fair listing (without any reference to websites or email addresses.)
NB: admin fee of £5 per listing now applies

Alternatively I will add a link back from this single link listing to your site and/or email address for just £8 per listing.

To include a single non-dated entry ( ie every month or every week rather that a specific date) within the fairs pages the charge will be £30 per year in advance.

If you are confused or would like to add identical multiple listings over several specific dates within the same area page then by all means drop me a line and I will get back to you. If on the other hand you wish to proceed with a single non dated entry then please complete the form below and follow the instructions

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I look forward to hearing from you

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